Aspartame Might Reduce Fat Storage According to Animal Model

ATLANTA (April 10, 2014) — A recent study has found that aspartame reduced fat storage and increased a marker of lifespan in an animal model.

In the study, the researchers concluded that their findings “imply that aspartame, either alone or in combination with other sweeteners, inhibits pathways that favor intestinal fat deposition.”  Additionally, the researchers concluded that, “the consumption of aspartame-containing foods or beverages may results in weight loss in addition to prevent fat gain.”

The researchers also concluded that, “The fact that artificial sweeteners have been extensively studied and shown to be safe makes them ideal for obesity prevention offering a distinct advantage over obesity medications that have a poor track record for safety.”

These results are in line with human research that has concluded that low-calorie sweeteners, including aspartame, do not lead to increases in weight gain, appetite or cravings.1-32

“Low-calorie sweeteners, including aspartame, can be used as tools to assist in weight loss,” said Theresa Hedrick, nutritionist for the Calorie Control Council. “Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, low-calorie sweeteners can help people manage their weight and keep it off.”

For more details on the study, click here.

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April 10, 2014 Research Summaries