With the high incidence of overweight and obesity and related health problems, balancing calorie intake with physical activity is key to reducing and maintaining a healthy weight. Finding ways to lower calorie intake without sacrificing taste and eating pleasure is key. Several studies confirm that low-calorie sweeteners like aspartame can play a role. In a study comparing two groups, one consuming low-calorie sweetened foods and beverages and the other sugar-sweetened varieties, the sugar group consumed more calories, felt less full and gained weight while the low-calorie sweetener group ate fewer calories, felt more full and lost weight. An analysis of 24 studies demonstrated that replacing regular-calorie sweetened foods with low-calorie versions led to a modest weight loss. Another review of 16 studies found that foods and drinks sweetened with aspartame instead of sugar were an effective way to lose and maintain weight without reducing the palatability of the diet.
Aspartame has a clean, sugar-like taste so it enhances fruit and citrus flavors in foods and beverages. In chewing gum, it helps to retain its sweetness up to four times longer than sugar-sweetened gum.