Aspartame History
Is Aspartame Safe?
Myths and Facts
What the Experts Say
Should You Avoid Aspartame?
Benefits of Aspartame
Weight control and beyond
Tips & Recipes
Aspartame Lifestyle
Lifestyle Articles
How can a lower calorie diet can improve my health?
How can I include aspartame in my recipes?
What do people say about aspartame?
Aspartame Resources
Healthy Weight Tool Kit
Visit for exercise and calorie calculators.
Professional Resources
Research Summaries & Articles
What does the research say? Sorting out the facts.
Claims & Myths
How do some claims about aspartame compare with the facts?
Continuing Education
What educational courses about aspartame are available?
L’Aspartame Centre d’information sur, édulcorant pauvre en calories
El Aspartamo es un edulcorante bajo en calorías
الأسبارتام | فصل الحقيقة عن الخيال حول الأسبارتام
में खोजा गया, कम कैलोरी वाला मधुरक है जो सक्रोज़ से लगभग गुना ज्यादा मीठा होता है
Аспартам | Разделение факты от вымысла о Аспартам
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