Let’s make a declaration – the New Year starts with spring! How can we argue with birds that are chirping outside of our windows, reminding us they have come back from the south? How can we disagree with the pinks and purples and the whites of spring blooms giving us a fresh look at previously dormant plants and trees? And those warmer temperatures – they invite us outside into the warmth of the sun.
While the calendar might tell us that January is the start of the calendar year, spring is really the beginning of all things new. When January’s goals may seem long forgotten, spring reminds us we can start again. Spring can be our time of renewed focus and growth, especially in areas of our health. Maximize your spring by focusing on you and your family’s well-being by savoring the sunshine and blooming in new ways.
Need some ideas? Here are five ways you can renew your momentum:
Families who garden together are more strongly united together, according to a study published in the Journal of Community Health. Not only that, gardening as a family boosts physical activity and our access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Morning Walks
Not sure where to fit in some extra physical activity in your day? Try early mornings. When the rest of the house may be asleep, set your alarm clock 20 minutes earlier and go for a quick morning walk to see the sunrise, focus your day and set your heart towards health.
Open Your Windows
Warm breezes make great room fresheners. Just open the windows in the sunshine and let spring flow into your house. Letting the outside in renews our spirits even if we are unable to go outside.
Breakfast Makeover
Plan out three breakfasts you can have on hand for the spring and summer months. Think of breakfasts that incorporate spring flavors and colors. A bowl of oatmeal could be topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries, along with a sprinkle of a low-calorie sweetener, like aspartame. Set up a parfait bar in your own refrigerator with easy access to yogurt, berries and granola. Or scramble some eggs with some fresh vegetables, like spring onions, asparagus and spinach.
Spring Produce
To freshen up your pantry and your refrigerator, look for fruits and vegetables that are in season right now. Rhubarb, peas, broccoli, spring greens, new potatoes, strawberries, beets, and radishes are just a few of the highlights to include in your weekly meals. Everyone appreciates a new recipe with bright colors and flavors!
It’s just like the old saying “out with the old, in with the new”, where winter’s dormant season must now be awakened with new ways to grow and bloom. Time to maximize your spring!
An award-winning dietitian, Jen Haugen, RDN, LD, is the author of the new book, “The Mom’s Guide to a Nourishing Garden.” Jen specializes in inspiring moms to create the recipe to a nourishing life through gardening, good food, family, and faith. Her TEDx Talk, “How Moms Can Change the World”, features two simple ideas that can transform a family. Connect with her at www.jenhaugen.com or on Twitter @jenhaugen.