A cool fall day calls for a bubbling hot apple pie in the oven to warm up the kitchen. And to get the most delight out of that pie, you must take your family to the apple orchard and bring home a bucket of hand-picked apples to enjoy. There will be enough apples to make apple salsa, apple pie, fresh applesauce, cinnamon apples, apples and squash, the options are really endless…all made from those fresh apples found at your local apple orchard. Start a new family tradition this fall and head to the local apple orchard.
Apples are easy to love because they are a good source of soluble fiber, which can lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Be sure to eat the skin for the most fiber! Fresh apples are also a good source of vitamin C — protecting your body’s cells from damage and keeping blood vessels healthy. Besides the nutrition in the apple, they are just plain good to eat. Here are some fun, family-friendly ways to add apples to your day:

Better get picking! Now is the time to head to the local apple orchard and make a delicious family memory.
Jen Haugen RD, LD is an award winning registered dietitian based in Austin, MN. She is currently writing her first book, focusing on growing healthier families through gardening and cooking together. She is also a media expert frequently appearing on ABC 6 News . In 2012, Jen was named Emerging Dietetic Leader in Minnesota by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She continues to be a leader in her field with her supermarket and media expertise, garden program development and nutrition experience. Reach Jen on Twitter @JenHaugen and check out her blog JenHaugen.com.